IRB Roster Skip to main content

IRB Roster

Brigham Young University IRB consists of one committee which reviews mainly social, behavioral and educational research. The IRB does NOT review studies under the jurisdiction of the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

Committee members have various areas of expertise to provide adequate review of research activities commonly conducted at Brigham Young University. The members include scientists, non-scientists, and individuals not affiliated with the University. The unaffiliated member represents the perspective of research subjects when reviewing submissions before the IRB.

Robert RidgeIRB ChairPSYCHYes
Wayne LarsenIRB AdministratorRAONo
Renea BeckstrandMemberNURSYes
Robbie ChaneyMemberPHYes
Ramona CutriMemberTEdYes
Michael CopeMemberSWYes
Susan FullmerMemberNDSFYes
Robert HyldahlMemberESYes
Ryan KellemsMember CPSEYes
Joel SelwayMemberPOLISCIYes
Arden PopeMemberECONYes
Jared WarrenMemberPSYCHYes
Brian WilloughbyMemberSFLYes
David WoodMemberSOAYes
Becky LundwallMemberPSYCHYes
Sandee AinaAssociate DirectorHRPPNo
Bruce BaileyExSciYes
Brad Bundy CHEMEYes
Daniel Zappala CSYes
Holt Zaugg HBLLYes
Sarah Brinton OGCNo

Appointments to the IRB are typically 3 years and can be extended by mutual agreement. The IRB Chair and members are pointed by the Associate Academic Vice President of Research.