The successful completion of the basic course will satisfy institutional requirements for 5 years, after which a refresher course is required. Investigators and research personnel must satisfy these ethics training requirements before they can be approved as part of the research personnel.
BYU IRB Tutorial certificates dated before January 01, 2016 are not accepted.
Researchers who have completed a human subjects research training course other than CITI may upload documentation of their training in their iRIS profile. BYU IRB will determine whether the non-CITI training course satisfies the mandatory education requirement.
In this section you will find the following information:
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Registration and Tutorials
2. When you click the log in button choose LOG IN THROUGH MY ORGANIZATION.
3. You will be asked to affiliate with your institution. Choose Brigham Young University-Provo.
4. Next, go to BYU—Provo Courses by clicking on View Courses.
You will be taken to the following screen:
5. Click on ADD A COURSE
7. You will see two sections, Required Modules and Elective Modules There are 8 required courses and 2 elective courses you must complete. Choose the electives most pertinent to your research.
Plan on an hour or two to complete the tutorial.
Once you complete the tutorial, it will be good for 5 years.
8. IRB Submissions: With BYU's single sign on feature, your certification will appear in the iRIS online submission system if you are listed as an investigator/research assistant.
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Accessing Certification of Completion
1. When you click on the courses page, scroll down until you see Completed Courses. Click on View-Print-Share Record.
2. You will see two options, a Completion Report or a Completion Certificate. Below are details for when to use each of these options.
Completion Report: This report contains a list of all the modules, dates of completion, and the scores you received. Print this report if you are required to show evidence to another institution when you are collaborating on a study. The primary institution will need to see all the modules you have completed. If there institution requires different or additional training, they may ask you to complete additional modules.
Completion Certificate: The certificate merely provides documentation that you completed human ethics training. It includes information such as the name of the course, the date of completion, and the date of expiration. The certificate will usually suffice for research courses that require students to complete the training.
3. Save the report or certificate to your files for future reference.